28 MAY 1921, Page 2

The Sinn Feiners of Newvastle . perpertrated a series of outrages last

Saturday night. They set fire to a large number of- stack- yards in the Tyne valley and to -a paper-mill near Jarrow;' they tried at Jarrow to blow up the gas main. At Stockton-on-Tees another gang fired a large sawmill and a. boat-huildinge yard, which were destroyed at a. loss of £50,000. Attempts were madeto burn two small stations on the North-Eastern Railway. Near Liverpool; on Menday. nightesome Sinn Feiners set fire to a farmer's'. stacks .and- tried to murder him, but were disturbed by a. policeman. Those who commit such deeds are merely criminallunaties, who injure, their own countrymen. The old prejudice against Irishmen-in Great:Britain was almost: ectinete. but it wffi surely revive if British people come to. look upon - every Roman Catholic. Irishman as a potential_ fire-raiser and gunman.