28 MAY 1932, Page 17


[To the Editor of the Spacmrcut.] might be inferred front your recent comment that only Fellows of the Zoological Society of London have access to the Zoo on Sundays. But this is not so. Fellows have personal admission upon signing the book at the entrance gate and may introduce two companions daily. In addition, Fellows receive forty undated green tickets available on any Sunday and twenty white tickets available on any weekday for distribution. As there are over 8,000 Fellows it follows that there are annually over 320,000 free entrances available on Sundays or weekdays as the recipients may wish. When- ever I visit the -Zoo on a Sunday in the summer it is well tilled with visitors who are obviously not Fellows. In fact, in 1931, no fewer than 185,803 visitors had free admission on Sundays, or an average of 3,575 for each Sunday throughout the year. In the four summer months the number of visitors to the Zoo having free admittance would probably average over 9,000 each Sunday.—I am, Sir, &e., F. Z. S. Hampstead, N.W. 3.