28 MAY 1948, Page 16


Snt,—By his review of C. S. Forester's book, The General, Robert Kee hopes to introduce new readers to this brilliant study of a Great War general. Surely no better commendation can be found than that of Earl Wavell. In his book on Allenby, Earl Wavell says that the "General Wayland-Leigh" cleated by C. S. Forester is undoubtedly intended to represent Allenby, a grotesque caricature to those who knew him, but only slightly exaggerating his reputation. It is perhaps significant that Allenby was nicknamed "The Bull" and General Wayland-Leigh "The Buffalo."—I am, your obedient servant, It MANLY BIRAIMSHAW.

R. M. A., Sandhurst, Camberley, Surrey.