28 NOVEMBER 1829, Page 13


WAR-OFFICE, November, 22.-lst Reg. Dragoons : T. Mainwaring, Gent. to be Cor. by purchase, vice Trafford, promoted-2d Foot : to be Lieuts.-Lieut. F. H. Graham, from half-pay, Royal African Corps, vice Miller, appointed to 33d Foot ; Ens. G. V. Ha- milton, from 41st Foot, without purchase, vice Littlejohn, cashiered by the sentence of a general court-martial-3d Foot : Capt. H. D. Courtayne, from 59th Foot, to be Capt. vice Briscoe, who exchanges-4th Foot: Capt. W. Nickle, from half.pay 88th Font, to be Capt. vice Hon. C. S. Wortley, who exchanges-5th Foot : Lieut. J. Spence, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Allan, promoted ; Ees. W. P. Jones, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Spence ; J. Woodward, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Jones-7th Foot : Ens. lion. J. C. Best, from 17th Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice O'Brien, appointed to 724 Foot-12th Foot : Capt. E. Newton, from half-pay, to be Capt. vice R. A. Butler, who exchanges-17th Foot : C. W. Finch, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Best, pro- moted to 7th Foot-26th Foot : Lieut. A. af. Robinson, from half-pay 47th Foot, to be Lieut. vice W. F. Haunagan, who exchanges-28th Foot : Capt. T. A. Trent, from Sub- Inspector of Militia in the Ionian Islands, to be Capt. vice Colthurst, who exchanges- 333 Foot : Lieut. E. Miller, from 2d Foot, to be Lieut. vice J. Hallett, who retires upon

half-pay Royal African Corps-401h Foot : Ens. '1'. S. Powell, from half-pay, to be Ens. vice F. H. Burslem, who exchanges-41st Foot : J. Clarke, Gent. to be Ens. without pur-

chase, vice Hamilton, promoted in 2d Foot-42d Foot : Staff-Assist-Sur. B. Nicholson,

to be Sur. vice Macleod, promoted-43d Foot : -.Staff-Assist Sur. J. tIlt1ar, to be Sur. vice Gilkrest, promoted--48th Foot : Lieut. W. Belford, from half-pay to be Lieut.

vice T. Lewis, who exchanges-51st Foot : Assist.-Sur. R. Elligott, from half-pay 65th Foot, to be Assist.-Sur. vice Maharg, appointed to 70th Foot-59th Foot : Capt. E. Bris- coe, from 3d Foot, to be Capt. vice Courtayne, who exchanges-62d Foot : Ens. A. L. Gwynne, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Grayson, who retires ; S.W. Graves, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Gwynne--68th Foot : Lieut. P. Bernard, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Melville, who retires; Ens. J. M'Gill Strachan, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Ber- nard; E. B. Reynardson, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Strachan-70th Foot : As-

sist.-Sur. J. Maharg, from list Foot, to be Assist: Sur. vice Robertson, promoted on the Staff-71st Foot : to be Lieuts.-Lieut. C. P. Trapaud, from 728 Foot, vice Wallace,

appointed to 98th Foot ; Ens. F. Pack, by purchase, vice Whyte, who retires ; to be Ens. by purchase, T. B. Strangways, Gent. vice Pack-72d Foot : Lieut. 1). O'Brien, from 7th Foot; to be Lieut. vice Trapaud, appointed to 71st Foot-73d Feat : Huspital- Assist. R. Laing, to be Assist..Snr. vice Cardiff, promoted-93d Foot : G. Black, Gent. to be Ens. without purchase, vice Gordon, appointed to 923 Foot-94th Foot : Lieut. W. D. Humphreys, from half-pay 47th Foot, to be Lieut. vice R. A. Coates, who ex_ changes-95th Foot : Assist.-Sur. It. N. Starr, from 48th Foot, to be Assist.-Sur. vice Ore, appointed to 8th Light Dragoons-98th Foot: Lieut. W. Wallace, from 7Ist Foot, to be Lieut. vice Davidson, who retires-Ceylon Reg.: to be Copts. without purchase-

Lieut. I. Foster, vice Mylius, deceased; Capt. W. Boardman, from half-pay, vice Maiu. waring, deceased ; Second Lieut. C. H. Roddy, to be First Limit. without purchase, vice Foster; Ens. HOD. W. F. Cowper, from half-pay, to be Second Lieut, vice F. Bland, who exchanges-Staff: Capt. J. R. Colthurst, from 28th Foot, to be Sub-Inspector of Militia in the Ionian Islands, vice Trent, who exchanges-Huspital Staff : to be Deputy-Inspec. tors of Hospitals-Staff-Sur. E. Dow ; Sur. S. Macleod, from 42d Foot ; Sur. J. Gill- krest, from 433 Foot-To be Physician to the Forces-Staff-Sur. D. Barry, 111.15.-To be Surgeons to the Forces-Assist.-Sur. J. H. Cardiff, from 73d Foot; Apothecary G. John; Staff-Sur. R. Scott, M.D. from half-pay-To be Assist: Sur. to the Forces-Hospital- Assist. W. Cruickahanks, vice Nicholson, promoted-To be Deputy Purveyor to the Forces-Purveyor's Clerk R. Tucker-The undermentioned Lieut. actually serving upon full-pay in a Reg. of the Line, whose commission is dated in the year 1809, has accepted promotion upon half-pay, according to the General Order of 27th Dec. 1826 :-to be Capt. of Infantry-Lieut. T. Smith, from 36th 'Foot-Memorandum-The name of tile Lieut. appointed to 59th Foot on 24th August 1826.-is Harward, and not Harwood. November 26.-Memorandum : The nalf-pay of the under-mentioned Officers has been cancelled from the 27th instant inclusiive, upon their receiving a commuted allow- ance for their commissions :-Staff-Sur. S. W. Clarence, half-pay ; Lieut. P. B. Ent- wistle. half-pay 84th Foot ; Lieut. P. D. Hahne, half-pay 96th Foot ; Lieut. S. Jones, half-pay 5th Foot ; Lieut. L. H. de Rueynes, half-pay-50th Foot.