28 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 9


" For the Safe Delivery of the Queen, and the happy Birth of a Princess. To be used at Morning and Evening Service, after the General Thanks- giving, in all Churches and Chapels throughout England and Wales, and the Town of Berwick-on-Tweed, upon Sunday the 20th of this instant Novem- ber, or the Sunday after the respective Ministers thereof shall receive the same.

" 0 Merciful Lord and Heavenly Father, by whose gracious gift mankind is increased, we most humbly offer unto Thee our hearty thanks for Thy great goodness vouchsafed to Thy servant our Sovereign Lathy the Queen, in ;up. porting her under the pains and delivering her front the perils (if childbirth, and giving to her and her floral Consort the blessing of a Daughter. Watch over her, we beseech Thee, with Thy Fatherly care; sustain and comfort her in the holm of weakness and weariness, and day by day renew her strength. Pre:A:Eve the infant from whatever is hurtful either to body or soul, and adorn her, as Ale advances in years, with every Christian virtue. Begird with Thiee e.pecial favour our Queen and her Consort, that they may long live toaet her in the cejoyinsnt of all happiness here on earth, anti filially be made partakers of Thine everlating glory. Establish their descendants on the Throne of this kingdom, and make theta, through all generations, the blessed instrtunents of Thy Providential got it. to Thy Church and people. Implant in our hearts a deep sense of Thy manifidd mercies towards us, anii give its grace to show forth our thankfulness onto Thee by dutiful affection to oar Sovereign, and brotherly love one to another, by the profession of a true Faith, and constant obedienje to Thy Word and Commandment ; so that, faithfully serving Thee in this life, we may in the life to come be received into Thy Heavenly king- dom, through the nerits and Mediation of Thy Blessed Son Jesus Christ our Lord-Anten."