28 NOVEMBER 1846, Page 9

The London Library has j ust succeeded in establishing its exemption,

as a literary institution, from pariah-rates, under the 6th and 7th of Victoria. St. James s parish summoned the managers to answer a claim for 221., at Marlborough Street Police-office. The only difficulty of the case lay in the fact that part of the house is let by the managers of the Library to other societies, at a rent: but as the rent is all applied to the literary purposes of the institution, and does not constitute a profit for the subscribers, the Magistrate held that the exemption must be allowed.

Upwards of a hundred bales of unmannfactured tobacco, weighing 8,384 pounds, together with 100 gallons of foreign brandy and geneva, were seized yesterday by the Customs-officers, and conveyed to the Queen's warehouses in Ramsgate and London. The Journal de Lille mentions that three days ago a person committed suicide near the railway station of that place, by placing his head on the rail just as a train was coming up. The head was severed from the body.