28 NOVEMBER 1868, Page 2

The Record flatly denies part of our statement as to

Evangelical proceedings at Frome. It produces a letter from the mover in the proSecution against Mr. Bennett, Mr. T. B. Sheppard, saying that proceedings are still going on, and hints that the £100 presented to Mr. Bennett's church was given by his own people. It does not, of course, deny that Mr. Sheppard's brother was chairman of Serjeant Sleigh's Committee, or that the Serjeant pledged himself to resist any bill altering the ritual. The needful inquiries are being made, and next week we shall either prove the Record misinformed or our own local authorities. In either case we shall state the error. Will the Record do the same, when we once again ask on what ground it accuses the Spectator of Unitarian opinions? The Record is accustomed to theological discussion, it knows perfectly well that this is the only secular journal in which the Divinity of Christ has been ardently maintained, and yet it repeats a statement which is not only untrue, but absurd. The Record might just as well accuse the Tablet of denying the Real Presence, and it would do it, if it thought that assertion injurious to a religious opponent.