28 NOVEMBER 1891, Page 24

Naw EDITIONS.—.Familiar Quotations. By John Bartlett. (Macmillan.)—This is the ninth

edition of a well-known book, and is, the author tells us, the final form which the work is to bear. Very considerable additions have been made since the appearance of the last edition. The bulk of English quotations has been materially increased, and a new feature has been added in citations from the French and from classical writers. The "Quotations," including the appendix, occupy 862 pages ; the index, which is copious and elaborate, nearly 300. There could not, of course, be a book that wanted a full index more.—John G. Paton, D.D. : an Autobiography. Edited by the Rev. J. Paton. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—History of the Buccaneers of America, by James Burney (Swan Sottnenschein and Co.), a reprint from the edition of 1816. A few words about the author and his book would not have been out of place.—Messrs. Bell and Sons reprint, in two neat volumes, The Discourses of Epictetus, translated by George Long, M.A.—Lux Mundi, edited by Charles Gore, M.A., a "twelfth edition." (J. Murray.) —In the series of "Sir John Lubbock's Hundred Books" (G. Routledge and Sons), we have that very bad transla- tion and astonishing work of genius, Pope's Homer's Iliad and Odyssey (Sir John Lubbock writes an introduction, in which he, curiously enough, apologises for Helen as a victim of the primitive practice of marriage by capture) ; and The Shi King : the Old "Poetry Classic" of the Chinese, a close metrical translation, by William Jennings, M.A.—My Study Windows. By James Russell Lowell. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.) —Emerson's Representative Men and English Traits. (Ward, Lock, and Co.) Social Wreckage, a "Review of the Laws of England as they affect the Poor." By Francis Peek. (Isbister and Co.)—The Georgics of Virgil. Translated into English Verse by James Rhoades. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—Mozyheto's Illustrated Horse- Doctor. Revised and improved by J. J. Lupton. (Griffith, Farran, and Co.)—Nerve-Prostration, and other Functional Diseases of Daily Life. By Robson Rouse, M.D. (H. K. Lewis.) In Fiction, we have :—By Right, not Law, by R. H. Sherard (Cassell and Co.) ; and from the same publishers, Commodore Junk, by G. Manville Fenn, and The Astonishing History of Troy Town, by "Q." —Among the Ruins. By Mary Cecil Hay. (Griffith, Farra,n, and Co.)