28 NOVEMBER 1908, Page 20


[To TH. EDITOR OR TIER ''ERECRATOR..] SIE,—Like Mr. Asquith, I, too, owe you an apology for s careless phrase thoughtlessly used. I also owe you a debt of gratitude. .My story, "The Rescuer," noticed in your last issue, was suggested by an article published in the Spectator on October 12th, 1907, entitled "Science and Acuracy," giving a most lucid account of the rise and fall of the N-rays myth, and showing bow Professor Blondlot's alleged discovery, although "confirmed by the well-known physicists, MM. Charpentier and Becquerel," and awarded a gold medal by the French Academy of Science, was really due " to illusion caused by a species of auto- :suggestion based on preconceived ideas." Out of the N-rays any " Maitland rays " quite naturally sprang, since, as you 'Bay, "a charlatan may circumvent such ramparts." The problem which my own inadequacy compelled me to treat so ?slightly is one of extraordinary psychological interest, and I -should never have beard of it but for your admirable paper, IA which we are all proud, however we may be occasionally 'tempted to sneer by the passing irritation of the moment or tto give malice to an insignificant paragraph.—I am, Sir, &c.,

-40 Albert Hall Mansions, Kensington Gore.