28 OCTOBER 1837, Page 1

The complexion of the accounts from Spain is favourable this

week to the Queen. ESPARTERO has exhibited some energy in following Don Caetos; whom he again defeated, with consider- able loss, on the 14th instant, at Huerta del Rey. It is said that the Carlist officers have had violent quarrels as to the pact of Spain best suited for winter-quarters. The Castilian officers wish to winter in Castile, the Navarrese in Navarre : from tl.e last accounts it appears to be the intention of Don CARLOS 10 retire into Navarre. It is now manifest that, on his part, the campaign has been destitute of any solid advantage. He is not a step nearer the throne than at the commencement of the war. On the other hand, none can affirm that the war is nearly ended.