28 OCTOBER 1837, Page 2

There have been some warm debates and close divisions in

the Congress of the United States, on the financial measures of Pre- sident VAN Beave. The third reading of a bill to postpone the transfer of the fourth instalment of the surplus revenue to the separate States, was carried, in the House of Representatives, by 119 to 117. Afterwards, an amendment, which limited the term of postponement till the 1st of January 1839, passed by a majority of 118 to 106. The bill thus amended was agreed to by the Senate, and received the assent of the President. Although the third reading was carried without limiting the period of postponement, it was understood that the bill would be finally lost without the amend- ment. A compromise appears to have been made, though the Opposition pretend that the President was beaten. In the Senate, Mr. CALHOUN has unexpectedly joined the VAN %mist party ; but the opposition of WEBSTER and CLAY is represented as being very formidable,—on account, we suppose, of their reputation and influence in the country ; for they are in a small minority in regard to numbers in their Chamber. Mr. CLAY moved a reso- lution in the Senate, that "whenever a clear majority of the people of the United States shall be in favour of a National Bank, a National Bank ought to be established : " but even this abstract proposition, as it may almost be called, was negatived by a vote of 31 to 15.

The emigration to Texas is proceeding on an extensive scale. A Tennessee paper says- " There is scarcely elbow. rosin left in our streets and highways, on account of the constant pouring in of horses and waggons, and the helter.skelter melee of emigrating paraphernalia. Several hundred families must have crossed the Mississippi at Aletnphis, on their way to the promised land, within the last six weeks; and the rush is still onward. We almost fear for the population of East Tennessee; for not a waggon passes but some dozen clads belonging to it puke their flaxen heads through the holes of the canvass."

There is little doubt of the ultimate annexation of Texas to the United States. Already there is an established government and a

large populaton, composed of emigrants and adventurers from the Slave-holding States. . The facility of importing slaves from all quarters into Texas, is a great inducement to the emigrants.