28 OCTOBER 1837, Page 6


On Thursday week, a meeting of rate-payers and others, desirous of the abolition of the Annuity-tax, was held in Rose Street Chapel, Edinburgh ; Mr. Gillen, M.P., in the chair. This large church was filled to overflowing, every seat and all the passages being crowded. The Chairman, after an eloquent speech, concluded by saying, the nuisance had reached such a pitch that it could no longer be tolerated. The present meeting was held to establish an association for the abo- lition of the Annuity-tax; and they were called on to use all means in their power to get rid of the impost. They must cooperate for the furtherance of this great object ; and his services would at all times be at their command. Resolutions to obtain the abolition of the tax were unanimously agreed to. The tone of the meeting, says the Scots- man, was bold and decided; and the tstanimous determination was not a pay, An association was formed for the purpose of " using all legal and constitutional means to effect an entire and unconditional abolition of the tax;' the members to consist both of Churchmen and Dissanters.

The Marquis of Waterford passed through Kinross the other day, an the top of the coach, with a few of his associates. In the course of the journey they amused themselves with the noble occupation of pop- ping eggs from a basket at any individuals who happened to be stubding at the wayside. —Fiji: Herald.