28 OCTOBER 1837, Page 9


STEVENS having occasioned a vacancy in the Gresham Professorship of Music, the Corporation of London (with whom, conjointly with the Mercer's Company, the election of the Professors resides) determined that the situation should no longer be a sinecure, but that the music lecture should henceforth be given at the City of London School, and at an hour suited to general public convenience. This resolution of the Court of Common Council, which was not passed till the several candidates had announced them- selves, was followed by the immediate retirement of Sir GEORGE SMART ; leaving Mr. HORSLEY, Mr. Bistroe, Mr. E. TAYLOR, Mr. PHILIPPS, and Mr. GAENTLETT competitors. The Court also re- solved that each candidate should give a probationary lecture at the Theatre in the City of London School : and accordingly, Mr. IIORSLEY lectured there on English Vocal Harmony, Mr. BISHOP on Melody, Mr. E.. TAYLOR on the state of Music in England in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, Mr. PHILIPPS on Sing- ing, and Mr. Gammen. on Melody and Harmony. Each Call. didate was allowed the assistance of ten vocal performers ; and the several lectures were attended by crowded audiences, con- sisting chiefly of the Gresham Committee, and other members of the Corporation of London, with their friends. Many professional gentlemen of eminence were present every evening; and the result was looked to with considerable interest.

The election took place at Mercer's Hall on Tuesday; when eleven out of the twelve members of the Gresham Committee were present ; and the numbers were for Mr. E. Taylor 8

Mr. Horsley 2 Mr. Philipps

Mr. Bishop 0 Mr. Gauntlett 0 We congratulate the public on the approaching restoration of the

Gresham lecture to public usefulness. We understand that some legal difficulty is still said to exist against the contemplated removal of the lectures to the City of London School ; but we feel a perfect confidence that mere legal forms and technicalities (should any such exist) will no longer be permitted to hinder the spirit of Sir THOMAS GRESHAM'S munificent bequest from being realized. The Musical Professorship, ever since the time of the first Professor, has been, as we have intimated, a mere sinecure—held, for the most part, by in- dividuals wholly ignorant of music. Its duties, we are assured, will now be willingly and zealously discharged.