28 OCTOBER 1865, Page 1


THE idea of a private funeral for Lord Palmerston was aban- doned, it is said at the request of the Queen, and on Friday he was buried in Westminster Abbey, with a great ceremonial. The funeral was not what is technically called a State funeral, but the procession included several public bodies and the entire Cabinet, and was folloired by about three hundred car- riages belonging to the Royal Family, personal friends, and mem- bers of the aristocracy. A considerable number of Peers and members of Parliament attended the ceremony in the Abbey, and the building was densely thronged. The crowd en route was con- siderable, but not excessive, and 'mourning did not appear to be very generally worn. Few shops were shut except in the City, but there was a marked decrease in ordinary traffic, and the be- haviour of all who thronged to see the procession was orderly and decorous. On the whole, it would seem as if the public feeling, diminished no doubt by the long expectation of the event, was deep, but not so demonstrative as usual. The element of sentiment was wanting, particularly in London, where the deceased Minister was never so popular as in more remote districts.