28 OCTOBER 1876, Page 1

The Greeks have obtained the torpedoes necessary to protect them

.against Hobart Paaha, and are inclined to move in earnest. King George has been summoned home in such haste that he has left his family behind him, and the Ministry have asked permis- sion Co call. out 60,000 men, who will be armed with weapons of precision. They believe that they can in a short time place under

arms their regulars, about 10,000, and gendarmerie, a proportion of their sailors, and at least 20,000 men accustomed in different ways to wild life in the highlands, while they will have every sympathy and aid from their brethren in Thessaly and Epirus. Their difficulty is, that if defeated, Russia, which dislikes and dis- trusts them as anti-Slays, might leave them in the lurch ; but the popular feeling appears to have passed beyond diplomatic control, and Ministry and Throne might alike be endangered by farther resistance. It rests with Lord Derby to obtain in the Greek people a most valuable ally, whose friendship he will of course contumeliously reject.