28 OCTOBER 1893, Page 1


THE Russian Admiral and his officers have left Paris, and after a brilliant reception at Lyons, have returned to Toulon. Not a single untoward incident seems to have marked their stay in Paris, which has passed ten days in a sort of delirium of friendship. The Russians have been nearly killed with fatigue and over-feasting, and it is said that the presents they have received amount to 2100,000 in value. Waggons -were required to carry them away. The Admiral, before his departure, issued an address to the Parisians, thanking them heartily for their enthusiastic welcome, and asking them 'and the whole of France to accept his fraternal friendship and most sincere gratitude." The correspondent of the Times quotes a man whom he thinks wise, who says the motive of .the whole affair has been the wish of France for due respect, and that the visit will help to preserve peace. It may, as the two Leagues are so equal ; but we ate not sure about the respect France has gained. One has a feeling as if the lady had proposed, while the bridegroom, though accepting, stood haughtily unmoved?