28 OCTOBER 1893, Page 24

Atalanta. Edited by L. T. Meade and A. B. Symington.—

Atalanta does not give its readers the mass of matter which some of its rivals furnish, but what it gives is of the best. Mr. Steven- son's new story is in itself a great distinction for any magazine to show. Another serial, Mrs. Parr's "Can this be Love ?" has already been noticed in these columns. A. series of papers, en- titled "The School of Fiction," has been running through the year. In these, various authors of novels and tales—Mr. W. E. Norris, Mr. Lanoe Falconer, Mr. Baring-Gould, Mrs. Parr, and Mrs. Molesworth among them—have been revealing to aspirants to authorship such secrets of their craft as it is possible to impart. How little, after all, does that amount to ! The illustrations of Atalanta are almost uniformly excellent.