28 OCTOBER 1905, Page 3

To 'this letter the Committee of patriotic and high- minded

men, headed by Mr: Herbert Bull, the well-known clergyman and schoolmaster, to whose action in • the Isle of Thanet we have so often referred with satisfaction, replied in detail, and again asked whether the Tariff Reform League were going to support Mr. Marks. The last step in the corre- spondence is a' letter from Lord Ridley dated October 18th, in which he states that the Committee have decided that they can take no part in: the Thanet contest. In other words, they will not support Me. Marks. Mr. Chamberlain, Lord Ridley, and their colleagues deserve the gratitude of all who care 'for the best interests of our public life. It now remains to see how the Conservative Central Office will act. Surely they cannot refuse such a lead, and in effect tell the world that, though Mr. Marks is not worthy of the support of the Tariff Reform League, he is quite good enough for the central organisation of the party.