28 OCTOBER 1911, Page 23

READABLE leteraes.. - ----The Keepers of the Gate. By Sydney C. -Grier.

(Blackwood seal Sons: 6e)—A good story, though not .quite equal to the other work of the author. Neither the political issues nor the personal interests are so forcibly put.—'The ,Challenge. By Harold Begbie. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)— Mr. leaned Begbie is= se much in earnest and thinks so rightly, in our judgment, about the problems of life that we cannot but :praise his work; Melt is scarcely attractive.—Ship's Company-. By W. W. Jacobs. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6e)—Thesetwelve short stories are certainly goottto read, but we cannot agree with the disieteeested.eritic who tells us on the outside cover that this in the most amusing of Mi.. JiteoliAi books. Wieremember'Senweet .Pert, MeerCergtesaand --The Skipper's Wooing.