28 OCTOBER 1911, Page 24

Astronomy for All. By Bruno H. Burger. Translated from the

German by Stella Bloch. (Cassell and Co. 10s. 6d.)—This is a book worthy of its subject. The text is clear of technicalities and accommodated to the powers and tastes of the average reader, while the illustrations are worthy of all praise. Very interesting is the combination of the new and the old, of celestial phenomena as modern indications enable us to regard them, and of the fanci- ful form in which less favoured generations in the past pictured them. It would have been as well to have given some intimations of the time when Herr Burger's book appeared. We observe that in speaking of the great meteoric showers of 1833 and 1866 he does not mention the disappointment of 1899. Professor Lowell's theories as to the planet Mars are, we see, dealt with, though the latest objections to them are not stated. Still the book may be taken as generally coming up to the character of " up to date."