28 OCTOBER 1922, Page 24


(Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subscolent review.) THE WAR SERVICE OF THE 1/4 ROYAL BERKSHIRE REGIMENT. By C. R. M. F. Cruttwell. (Oxford : Blackwell. 6s. 10d., post free.)—This admirable little book might well be taken as a model for those who still wish to write the history of a battalion in the recent War. Mr. Cruttwell's narrative is direct and adequate without being redundant. He confines himself to the actual achievements of his battalion, and does not waste space in otiose descriptions of the War in general. The earlier part of the story is based on his personal recollections—he commanded a company until he was wounded in the first Somme battle—and is a simple but vivid account of trench work. We are glad to see that the cost of the book is not swollen by the provision of needlessly elaborate maps : those given in the text meet every require- ment. The book can be obtained from the headquarters of the unit.