28 OCTOBER 1955, Page 15


SIR,—Mr. Trevor-Roper is surely unadvised in describing Fr. Hughes's volumes on the Re- formation as tendentious, for it would be difficult to make more tendentious statements in one short article than does Mr. Trevor- Roper.

The use of the words 'dogmatic mystifica- tion' and 'meaningless ritual' to describe Catholic or Anglo-Catholic religion merely shows that Mr. Trevor-Roper has not the slightest idea what he is writing about. He might well disagree with the conclusions of the theology or the use of the ritual, but to dismiss them in the manner he does is to appeal to the prejudice of the ignorant rather than the consideration of the thoughtful.

Curiously enough, the Catholic Church has forwarded the growth of 'spiritual' religion; admits the claims of reason in religious matters, assists Christian democracy and en- courages the educated laity. These facts, which Mr. Trevor-Roper expects to be denied, arc some of the most noticeable features of the Church during the past century. He should really get up his case with more care.—Yours faithfully,

Leatherhead. Surrey