28 OCTOBER 1955, Page 29



1 What the officer does when leaving the hotel? (8) 5 Hew sad, it has no substance) (6) .9 Tidy up the cancelled golf match (5, 3).

4 Girl pm returning, being booked (6). 12 "


rutus in relation to Ciesar came to

nothing, Michael (6).

I3. bay of sobriety (8). 1

:Season of mists and mellow

(Keats) (12).

18 Aphis, very secret (5, 3, 4). 1:3 Broken rest after retreat (8). 44 Basket designed for catching a joke, Which isn't gross (6).

27 Artist elected, very fruity (6). '"airman who might have sat on her! (8) 211 The cue, say, becomes a pony (6). 29 These great places seem a bit flat! (8) DOWN A burnt headdress (6). Testus, I -' (Browning) (6). This groundsman isn't much of a catch


Five for the telephonist (4).

It makes the locks go smoothly (4-3).

Auburn was (8).

Shelley's favourite wind in the States (4, 4).

Of no man speak' (Shakespeare)


It takes some pluck to play these (7). Troop little by little to get the curry powder (8).

This card is out of date (8).

Latin is vague among the educational three (7).

Plenty of paper in the ship (7).

After the indefinite article an abstainer comes to nothing but dye (6).

Ruskin was interested in those of Venice (6).

Tea for a goddess (4).


2 3

5 6

7 8


14 16 17 19 20 21 22

25 likt °Juts will be awarded: a copy of the Do Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary nook token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions p"[Ill8 after noon on November 8 and addressed: Crossword No. 858, 99 Gower St., London, WC1. 'ttainbers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.