28 OCTOBER 1995, Page 34

Friends in high places Sir: I was interested to read

the reprinted lain Macleod article CA question of loyal- ty', 14 October), since my late husband, Geraint Morgan, was then the Conservative MP for Denbigh.

The selection of Lord Home to succeed Macmillan was a perfect example of Tory democracy in practice. As I recall, Geraint received a telephone call from a Whip some time after the conference. Clearly he was told there was to be a change of party leader. No slate of possible candi- dates was put to him, though I think he did himself state a preference for Rab Butler. Then, however, came the crunch question, 'Is there anyone under whom You feel you could not serve?' To which obviously he replied, 'No,' not having the least thought that the then peer, Lord Home, was in the mind of his questioner. The question had somewhat stunned him as he had never gained the least impres- sion that Macmillan was concerned about those lowly back-benchers who served to make up his majority! Interestingly, he regarded Butler as one of the few minis- ters who, as Home Secretary, did alter proposed legislation as a result of rea- soned back-bench argument.

Jill Morgan

Brackenhill, Newland, Ulverston, Cumbria