28 SEPTEMBER 1833, Page 10


Tin. smaller Winter Theatres commence their season on Monday. Covent Garden or Drury Lane was to have opened on the same day, but no announcement has yet been made of the time when their season is to commence. In addition to the Adelphi and the Olympic, the Strand Theatre will be opened, for Vaudevilles, by JAMES Russr.r.r.—an expe- rienced stager, and a respectable man ; who has secured WRENCH as his prison tenure. KEELEY is at the Olympic, as well as LISTON; REEVE, as usual, at the Adelphi ; with WitioxsoN, who has just returned from America. These are the only important additions of known talent that the Minors have made to their companies—before sufficiently effective. KNowLEs has refused to play at either of the Great Theatres under one management ; and his accession to the Victoria is talked of. Wher- ever he goes, he will take his new plays of course. They can be ill spared at the National Theatres. ELLEN TREE and FARREN have, it is said, been engaged by 13uxN, as well as MACREADY, DOWTOY, HARLEY, amid "Miss TAYLOR.

LAPORTE is to have the Opera again, at a reduced rent. A larger number than usual of the subscribers have this year availed themselves of the customary forbearance of the lessee in not enforcing payment, to withhold their subscriptions. This is making a handsome use of the privilege of rank !

VilsTrus commences her Olympic game with a pam flush of cards. High, Low, Jack, and the Game, is the title of the Extravaganza; which, in addition to two new Burlettas, will be presented on Monday night. VESTRTSs of course, is the " Queen of Hearts." YATES brings 'out a romantico-tnysterio-serio-comico Melodrama, with the whole strength of his company, numbering one hundred and forty performers. The principal characters are a sleepless lady (Mrs. YATES), and an undying gentleman (O. SMITH); YATES and HEM:- MINGS doing the sentimental, Mrs. HONEY and Mrs. Frrzwistrast the coquetry, Mrs. WAYLETT and Miss NOVELL() the musical, and REEVE and BucKsrosii*the drollery. A musical and mythological Barletta, it la VESTIuS, called The Loves of the Stars, will follow the Miimmy. JAMES RUSSELL opens with an appropriate dialogue between himself and WRENCH, by way of address. Then follows a dramatic anecdote of a King and an Actor; the Police are next dragged up for trial, and the audience taken to the Station-house; and finally we have The Devil Again. The Strand Theatre is no longer a subscription entertainment; money is taken at the doors, as at the other houses. LE MAN REDE is engaged both as author and actor. One of the pieces is by him; the other by DANCE, of Olympic fame.