28 SEPTEMBER 1833, Page 8

Sir James Graham, upon the representation-of Lieutenant-Colonel Maxwell, has promised

to appoint Towsey, one of the three men who escaped from the wreck of the Amphitrite, to a new ship without delay, as second master. He has also sent hirn five pounds. Colonel Maxwell is a Tory, and brother to the late Sir Murray Maxwell : in a letter to the Times, he expresses himself amazed at the Whig Sir James's " noble anidisinterested " conduct. His reply to his note, he says, " does honour to the best attributes of our nature, and sets of the human heart to the best advantage." We insert this extraordinary document, that our readers may form their own opinion of its merits. " Sir James Graham presents his compliments to Lieutenant-Colonel Maxwell, and has the honour to acknowledge the receipt of his letter of the 5th instant. In reference to Mr. Ton hey's case, Sir James begs to enclose a copy of the extract of the new regu- lations; awl if Mr. Tawsey can produce the required qualifications. and will come to England and pass his examination for a second master, their Lordships will then im- mediately appoint him to a ship. Sir James begs to enclose a 5/. note for the use of

Tonsey.—Devouport, 15th September. The subscription in Boulogne for the survivors of the wreck is daily increasing; Use last account was 2,159 francs, 500 of which suns was subscribed by the Duke of Orleans. A subscription was set on foot at the camp at St. Omer, to which the officers and men subscri- bed ; and the sum of 290 francs was sent to the committee. Colonel Martin has sent the committee 250 francs. Owen has quite reco- vered from the bruises he received on the night of the wreck.

Ca; a'n Chads has made a report relative to the conduct of Mr.

Hamilton, the British Consul at Boulogne, in which he entirely exone- rates him from blame on the occasion, and speaks in the highest. terms of his general conduct. He took with him IOU, sent by the Brit,- i Government to be distributed amongst the French sailors who endea- voured to save the sufferers.

The King of the French has conferred the decoration of the Legion

z.r Honour upon the sailor Benin, of Boulogne, who, swam to the ves- sel ra: endeavour to Afford succour to the passengers and crew. A gold medal ha' been bestowed LIP:in iiuret, the give relief. silver medals upon

nine sailors, who went out in a bo.'t to Testard, another

give re it . . s s sl . re- ceived , region of Honom,has mi. ) ic. )ilot being already a member of the .11

the commendation of the M Marine.

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