28 SEPTEMBER 1833, Page 9


The following list of changes in the Post-office establishment ap- pears, as an appendix, in thefith edition of the Government pamphlet, 7/ie /O. br»i 21/iniateg and the Itifurtned Parliament. "Four new crass flail-coaches in Great lb itaiu. Twenty-two of the 1:11elish and Scotch .flail-coaches accelerated, including those from Lon- don to Liverpool, ilIanyltaster, I.eeds, Glasgow, and Milfoid. and on the prin- cipal eras-road lines. Nineteen entirely new I-Ito-se-posts l.,I:11111■11:11. Eleven old COMM011ielltiOnS improved. Fourteen places made Yost-toWil.. LettN, eartierS appointed to thirty-five towns; and the gratuities pre, ionsly charged on the delivery of letters discontinued. Sixteen Letter-carriers nItlt 1 at large towns to meet the increased demand for accommodation. seventy-tie; Penny- posts established ; including, in an official arrangement, inany ktmdrefi villages aud hamlets, which had pi eviously little or no means of communicating by pest,.

and producing consid„ bk additional revenue. Mi-velktueons improvements effected at twenty-four different towns. Soot/and—Ten new Post communications opened. Fourteen old commu- nications improved. Letter-carriers appointed at twenty-tivc towns. Twenty- five l'enny..spusts established, upon the stone principles, and with the same re- sults, as in England. A1i:cell:moms improvements effected at Mite (Inlet cut tons.

w' new Mail-coaches established. 'I'welve oi'tie .flail-coaches -rted and improved. Thirty-two newe,l'ost,:ceerlii,iiii,71,.1iiir:::::iisisintio);euthichrli: needy - old r•onnottnications improved. -)sus established. The Delh-eries d It • i• •


placed ou an impn•. 1-;?-°:oilsigt..rilles established. Thirtv-sixi luldi.tional Letter-

•• six new Twop,:. I. • Deliverie,1 granted tit

-At (.1.tr(!l1;°1 carriers appointed. Ailditm• r the villages in the neighbon, hood letters daily established in seven dish.. circle of thive miles from the General Pus; redlicing thr Itu'ltt-te it ithin that distance

the General 1 three Miles trout the

office. exempting a large portion of the front the Twopenny postage. :Intl accelerating the receipt of the letter., in ninnyt_cases. A Ityrteii.in::-

Luisa ',pencil at the Eastern, arid another at the Western Of the new boundary. ft• the deposit of the General Post letters, atlbrt hug !pore time for putting- in letters. Two additioaal aceelorantis enot!..)rd. Th... Foreign

flails delivered by the inland Letter Cat tiers, ite.ter.1 t wanting tot: o'clock. Foreign Mails arriving after the morning delivery, and lief a,. .nr o'olock, :Tat

out by the Twopenny Post despatches, according to the Oran is .0. :Old Oil 1:1'01tS, by the seven o'clock evening despatches the I tool. piactice Ittiing to retain any mails arriving after tiro o'clock, for delivery next notraing. The ISlails to Lisbon, ;tail the Alediterranean, forwarded by and bags made up for ('adiz, %ante, and Patras. The .Bails to Holland and iiainbaig sent Its steam-vessels. A 1)aily Post established to and from France.