28 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 1

We have little to add to the important news from

Spain given last week. Estella, the capital of Navarre, and long the Preten- der's head-quarters, submitted to the Queen's troops on Sunday. C.kliRERA and the Count D'liseAosE still hold out. Louts. Pnwee.c has employed the Duke DecAzcs to treat with Don CARLOS for the renunciation of his claims to the throne of Spain ; and it is said that the French King's next step will be a negotia- tion for the marriage of the Queen of Spain with one of his sons. A report is prevalent at Madrid, that the Cortes will be dis- solved in the hope of obtaining an essembl less " o" than

the present. General ALAI X, who, s TERO, is

the most influential person in the G bi

an- noyed by the election of CALATRAN nt o the Deputies.