28 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 3

Ebenezer Elliott has addres.seil a lever of advice to "

'flee Chartists of Sltetlield."

" 23.1 September 1839. " 3Iv plundered Fellow in this town about 6,000 adult

lab tur.ers, and zt,tt,1 caat all 1 ,!ilan tli-t-:, hen: are :as° about 10,000 skilled workmen, who (being themselves cap:tali-Is, and more dependent for their wellbeing the') :my other capit,dists ott the conservation of the public peace,) would, beca Ise they mouse elm:it-ever tim ut r imiclinetions might be, (in molly case of tumult or short of the -.eiteral overturn,) join the other capitaliste. From these facts, (aim !. one or two others, too ludicrously no- torious to al ention.) I draw the fa!' n lug concinsions. That you could. not, if you were unanitram-t, (which yaut are not,) carry by physical or moral force, or any ineans wilatev"r, any great public olt],ta. na alma the ass;stance of some

of the other prodnetive classes. That the ch.7 of the saad my Se.'a.r4, trio

walked ihroatik ii mauls mum prOCc.55100 limit iecte //wit teeter in.tpare4 end a(.1e eodee./ e.ith the tivin yort :c :re lett if you

were this day erre: ui for fajta with all your 'p- -at (he they what they

may,) a troop of e'ee es' wir,s d' nit the thry nt,Ple their appear..

wire unarmed, mil with or without their ltitsl,u-l' cloaks over their ehoulders, would scare you out of the parish. And thet m t,, mmmimuit daughters or the other

productive (heeause they have siteph,,, which y,311.1ve not, and cannot have, mail you get rid of the Corn-tea -e) mid, if meet were, not by coming behind folks, es some of your leader- e I virem you to do, but in filar battle, and without tlw aid of a single Immure mt uev eedier, d,:feat ,,na extermi- mmmli'■.ott. The on whicit I limund tee -.• emelusions, appl:eit, I hz.licee, not mile to Shetliald, but, with e to all Englamill, Scotland;

and ‘'mules, egricultural dis:ricts. To Ireland. it 'does not apply ; for in that country of the pepulatien are pet ato-fel labotteers, and the remainder Cu ti, chiefly shop-keepers ; yet with whiet ease those

putato-fed mimihhinim mu Lee been met are kept do.ve 'iy lucre fraction of the other classes and ai., tut ten thousand soldiers, the mournful history of • the Isle of Slag:1'111g' tin,/ truly- shows. For potato-fed men, Itavita,z tm surplus,

are necessarily slaves the lireadtaxry '.a...att to hring yoin do,V11 to potato

wages. You will comm. Clem I venture to !WV..., Sit the fully of allowing your- selves to be led the wr t:tg way, by paid ageats of the setoneirel Dreadtaxry, who, favoured by .voar ,I•plorattle ignorance, It ve cot it l'; C.: I to 111.1Ce theummsnlves

at the head of tbe 1:10Ve10.111, not merely tm defeet that ..viee feel holy touvement, lmutt, bv so doing. to sud,tin the all-beggiring food-monopoly, and make the ii self hateful and ridiculous.

" Fellow townsmen : there are cases (and yours. I fear, is one of them) in which nothing is so tote eleinue as truth; yet 1 I fest ■ omt will receive this letter as 1 intend it, and ledieve ilea the last man in tie, e • ell wbo would willingly mislead, or even insult you, is •• Ermear../.111t ELLIOTT." [S01110 1):ISSat.'S ill this epistle read very like nonsense.]