28 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 7

The MagdeburF Journal publishes an article dated Hanover, August 21,

stating that his Majesty the King had invited Lord Lyndhurst and other persons from England, to consult with them as to what should be done in case the Queen of England should die without issue. This article is designated by the Franconian Mercury, a well-informed journal, as " half official." [Should the Queen of England the with- out issue, Ernest-Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, will of coerse be Dig of England, and appoint his Ministers in the usual way.] The Paris paper La France, of Wednesday, asserts that the British Cabinet has officially communicated to the French Cabinet the intended marriage of Queen Victoria with a Prince of Coburg.

The King of the Netherlands is about to marry the Countess d'Ontre- met; very much against the inclination of hie children, who allege three objections against the match. " I. That the Countess does not belong to a Sovereign fatuity, and that the inereia■xe would be an insult to the reigning House of Pruesia. a. That 'lie was born a Belgian, and occupied a secondary place (that of First Lmly of Honour to the late Queen) at Court. 3. That she professes the Catholic religion, whilst the Dutch nation and the Royal Family are strong Proteetants." "All this," says the Commerce Beige, " does not shake the deiermina- lion of the King, who says he would rather abdicate in favour of his eldest son than renounce an union which he consider.; essential to the serenity of his latter days." It adds, that the Countess is expected daily at die Hague, on her return from a j:earney to Rome for the pur- pose of obtaining a dispensation from the Pope, authorizing her ma :triage with a Protestaat. She is forty-two years of age.

A plan for colonizing New Zealand, presented to the Ministry, has commanded its attention. A company, with M. A guado at its head, is employed in realizing a fund for this vast enterprise, wnieh is sup- ported by Government. —Lc Temps (Paris paper.) The Prince of Gude, Eckbal-oo-D havine. visited Louis Phi- lippe and the King of the Netherlatels, is now m Vientia. teudiag

jtewney to Berlin and St. Peteraburg. The eleteerees says that eLord Brougffnn has promised to bring his enee a. id claims to the no- tice of the country."

The Emperor of Austria has confirmed Baron Rothaehild of London in the post of Austrian Consul-General, to which he had been provi- sionally appointed.

Prince Achille Murat, who is just now in Englund, Lie bean per- mitted by the French Government to go and spend some time in France.