28 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 7

The termination of the financial quarter is now near at

hand, and although uothiug has yet transpired as to the probable result. the im- pression is that in some branches of the public revemie there will be a material falling off. At the Post-office, t'or instance. t tiara is every in- dication of such a circumstance. The overcharges on foreig» and other highly-texed letters have for some time past been lunch compleined of, but during the last few weeks they have been incessant. We are as- sured by commercial men, who are of CO'di-se the parties principally in- terested in the subject. that there is just now scarcely a letter received by them from abroad which it is not necessary to return to the Post- office for the purpose of having an excess deducted. Much may, how- ever, be presumed to be sacrificed by the puelic under this seectie'ey sys- tem ; and how great must be thd contreet presented by the accounts made up upon the new principle about to be brought into operation by Mr. Rowland UHL—Horsing Post.

It is at length arranged that the correspondence of non-commis- sioned officers and privates of her Majeaty's service shall be conveyed to and from. the East Indies by the overland mails, vie; Falmouth, on the mere payment of' Id. each. the letters being slunk', and franked by the °nicer commanding.—United &Price Gig:enc.

The Saint George Steam Packet Company's steam-ship Sirius arrived off the Lomion Docks on Tuesday, at two o'cloek, from St. Petersburg, having performed the voyage in eight days:, ieeluding de- tention at Copeelitasen. The Sheila made the outward pa -age in seven and a half days. Lords Clarence and Aided l'aLee cams pas- sengers per Sirius.