28 SEPTEMBER 1844, Page 11


We must, however, find room for the subjoined historical document- s letter from the King of the French to the Prince De Joinville, pub- lished by the Prince in a general notice conveying the expression of the King's approval to the squadron for its services at Tangier and Mo- gador—

Neuilly, Thursday 29th August.

"My dear and most beloved Son-1 thank God tor having preserved you amidst the dangers you so nobly braved, and for permitting that I address through you to the squadron under your command my personal congratulations, and the expression of the national gratitude for the new laurels which it has added to our flag.

"in congratulating our brave seamen for having displayed that French valour which never fails to respond to the appeal of the country, 1 take pride to myself that you restrained their ardour until the moment when the justice of our cause imposed upon us the duty to have recourse to arms.

"I saw mith delight the simultaneous efforts of our navy and army crowned with such brilliant success; and it is particularly grateful to me that my son should have led our seamen to victory.

"I embrace you, my dear son, with all the effusion of my heart.


The battle of Isly was fought on the 14th August, Mogador was bom- barded on the 15th, and on the intervening night the Princess De Join- ville gave birth to a daughter : the army of Algeria and the squadron of Mogador have requested, says the A/gerie, that "Victoria" may be added to the infant's names ; and the King's assent is presumed.

The Times contradicts a statement in the Revue de Paris, that the Corporation of London have invited King Louis Philippe to an enter- tainment in the City.

Among the many rumours current about Russian alliance with Eng- land, the Gazette de France gives place to this—" Certain persons, whom we know to be well-informed, have assured us that a treaty has really been signed between England and Russia. No event could be more se- rious in its consequences."