28 SEPTEMBER 1844, Page 21


3 per Cent.

3 per Cents. 31 per Cents New 34 per Bask Stock, India Stock. Exchequer India Bonds.

Alabama (Sterling) Austrian Belgian Brazilian Cuba Chiliau Columbian Danish Dutch (Ex Ditto French Ditto Illinois Kentucky Louisiana (Sterling) Maryland (Sterliug) Massachusetts !sinus- Belanos Brazilian Ditto (St.


Edinburgh Great North Liverpool Loudon sod Landau and Loudon and London and Loudon stud Manchester Midland South.eastern York and

Gald,Foreign Old Spanish, Silver in Bars, Wheat,RedNets39 Fine Old White Fine SuperfineNew46 AVERAGE Per Quarter Wheat Barley Oats .....

Wheat, 45s.


Seconds ,.

Essex and Suffolk, Noofolk and Stockton BRAN POLLARD, BREA D. Average Price /Ion Good


Clover Wheat Straw Beef Mutton Veal Pork

Lamb Ditto for Account Long Annuities BRITISH Consols Reduced Reduced Cents

7 per cent.

104 Bills, ltd. p. diem 34 per cent




991 991 285 75 94 pm. (ClosingPrices.) Tuesday.

991 991 2844 76

IVednes. Thurs. Friday.

55j. 100 shut shut shut shut shut 2844 75 pm.

991 100 286 74 991 1004 76 95


- - - - - - Ct . .

0 0 0 - .

. ..

00.10 42• 30s CC..





04 to


,.4 ..

.. Fine Fine to CORN 33s. dot.

to 6..05.

100 100


74 374 151 85 26 474 118 24 351 6 134 26r.

49 43 264 33 264 137 1154 117 281 ex d 324

0 a • - 6 0 175 •

0 00


. 20..11 21 . on

53.. 14 24 .. DS 25 .. 2.1 7s. Ild

5 8

9 6 lid•

Os. to 74s. to SO. in 745.

per cwt.

FEL. 105s,


.. 0

.. 146


41.2d- '

4 4


4 e 4 i

Buenos Ayres Indiana (Sterling) FO (Last Official Quotat'on .....5 p. Ct.

5 - 5 - 5 - 6 6 - 6 - of 1824 6 3 - 12 Guilders) .24 - (Ditto) 5 3 - 5 -- 5 - 6

6 - 5 -

5 - (Sterling) 5 - REIGN during the 804 -

104 St 364 - 10.5

IQ. - 624 1001 - - 37

38 93

- 105


Week ending Friday Evening.)

Mexicali 5 p. Ditto (Deferred) s --

Michigan 6 Mississippi (Sterling) ...6

Neapolitan s -- New York (1858) s --

Ohio 6

Peunsylvau;a ... s --

Peruvian 6 Portuguese 5 Ditto (Converted)

Russian s --

Spanish 5

Ditto 3- Ditto (Passive)

Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina 5 p.

Cubed States Bank

Virginia. 6 --

(Last British Iron Candonga Cobre Copper Eastern Counties

Grand Junction

Great Western South-western Official Quotation Imperial John del Rey) and Glasgow of Eugland and Manchester Brighton Blackwell Greenwich Birmingham Croydon and Leeds and Dover North Midland during



11 213 1421 961 64 104 2174 16 120 1074 39 744 103 SHARES.

the Week ending Friday Evening.)


Australasian British North American


London and Westminster London Joist Stock National of Iselaud National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union or Australia Union of London


East and West India .. • ......

London St. Katherine


Australian Agricultural British American Land Canada General Steam New Zealand Royal Mail Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Laud



its Ihm ...per or. al. t 7s . 9d.

or Pillar Dollars.. 0 0 0 0 4 10 Standard ...... 0 0 0


Copper, British Cakes.per ton 841. Oa. Iron, British Bars 5 is Lead, British Pig IS 10 Steel, Englislo 0 0 to 44 us ..u6 4/ .. 41 42 .. 4C 48 .. 5.i .,00 (Imperial) 48s. 4d.

35 0 50 4 31.-Barley,


Rye 34 to 30 Barley 26 .. 27 Malting 90 .. al Mal L, Ordinary 00.. 56 Fine 58 .. di Peas, Hog.- 30 .. Si

Lane, September 27.

Maple 31 White 33 Boilers 34 Beans, Tick• 28 Old 32 Harrow 32

L. 39

• 85 . 38 .. 3 t .. 84 „SG present


3 to 6 0 It . 36s. FOREIGN Oats,Feed Fine Poland Potato Week.

1 Rye Beans • Peas lid-Peas, PRICES OF CORN, of Eogland and Wales

i Rye 35s. Ii.

Beans . • ad d

Pr. 34 0 Weekly AreragesTor I he 35s. ad.-Oats, Yes. Sd

DUTY ON For the Wheat 20s.

Barley Oats Week ending Sept. -Rye, 330. bd.-Beans,


...... ......per sack 40.. to 454.

. . .... .• .. ......... ■ 40 on board ship... 30 - 35 ........ ...... 80 - 92 per quits ter Os. to Os, One Os. to Os.

6d . to 8d. the 416 Loaf.

of Muscovado Saga 334. 3d.

PRO V1h10 5o4.

BUTTER-Best Fresh, 14.. Od per Carlow, 31. is.. to 31.19s. per ext. BACON, Small Old, per cwt....

CHEESF., Cheshire Derby I'lain

HAMS, York EGGS, French... per 120 4s. Od per cwt. Molasses.... 20s. to 2.6 Inferior

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Loader 36 Trusses.)

CUMBERLAND. STIIIIIRIELD. PO 100s... 1.10s DO,- Iles 90 .. 95 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 90 .. 110 DS 115

20 .. 84 IS .. so

THAN. WHITF.CHA s... Os .. 0 0 .. 0


NEWGATE AND LEADEN1J A LL • 2s. ad. to 8.. 2d. to Ss. tki

2 8 .. a a .. a a.

?„ il • • B 5 .. 4 4 " ' •• 3 0 •. 4 8

a 4 .. 0 0 ** 4 o ... - •

• To siak the offel-per9IbL SMITHFIRLD.• 8•. 8d. to Ss 6.1

11 0 M• 0 10

3 4 .. a 10 a 4 .. 4 0 8 3 .. o S