28 SEPTEMBER 1912, Page 1

Friday's news in regard to the progress of the peace

negotia- tions between Turkey and Italy seems favourable, and we are told that Reshid Pasha, formerly Ottoman Ambassador in Vienna, and now Minister of Mines and Forests, has left Constantinople for Switzerland, probably with instructions to make certain proposals to the Italian delegates. The Times correspondent at Constantinople believes that this move is due to the desire of the Turks, if possible, to free themselves from their African liabilities in order the better to face the dangers in the Balkans. Should, unhappily, war break out between Turkey and Bulgaria and her confederates before peace is made with Italy, a most extraordinary situation would arise. Presumably if while A is at war with B, C D E and F also make war on A, BODE and F become allies and would take joint action against their common foe. Yet one can hardly imagine anything more embarrassing for Italy than having such allies thrust upon her, especially if Italy's own ally, Austria-Hungary, were coercing the Balkan States.