28 SEPTEMBER 1929, Page 13


M. Briand's United States of Europe project has succeeded in arousing unusual interest in the United States. " The dream of M. Briand has in it the stuff of which great tangibles can be made," says the Indianapolis News. M. Briand, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle finds, " speaks like an idealist who keeps his feet on the ground." The Chicago Daily News sees in the scheme " the birth of a great idea." M. Briand, that paper considers, has turned what for many years has been a mere academic proposition into " a practical political question." With only occasional reservations, M. Briand's claim that the project is in no wise aimed against the United States is accepted. The. Boston Globe voices the opinion of those who consider the project " must be observed closely for its anti-American features," but the general view is stated accurately by the Chicago Journal of Commerce, which remarks that " it has been said that such a federation would become the enemy of the United States. Regarding that, the United States can afford to take a chance." Generally, the idea and the support it has received in Europe, Particularly from Germany, is seen as a hopeful sign promising

economic co-operation, and particularly the removal of the injurious tariff walls, together with a diminution of the intense nationalism which has been too conspicuous since the War.

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