28 SEPTEMBER 1956, Page 26


ACROSS 1 Weathercocks among the litter? (6)

4 As a low dog was heard to say, 'I'm doomed' (8).

9 Doctor gets a plateful, but it's all the rage (6).

10 The ship for 7? (8)

12 'The little woman round the corner' in competition (6-2).

13 Traces can be found of such signs (6).

15 This captain should be a good fisher- man (4).

16 Open it as it discloses scarlet leaves (10).

19 Paradoxically, they're for weight, not lineal measurement (10).

20 Give nothing to the horse on the bend (4).

23 It's some distance to the works for an aged sea-monster (6).

25 Tangled vine gets torn about (8).

27 A lively sort of writer (8).

28 Ale pot won in a game (6).

29 The sea yields up timber by weight (8).

30 Skater goes by in a flash (6). DOWN

1 Rara avis indeed, if not a Latin one (7)'

2 I get no red in this attire (9).

3 On tap for a job in the turnery? (6) 5 Whole city in a bottleneck (4).

6 You won't find Cruden at this point, or will you? (8) 7 Cargo for 10? (5) 8 Here one is said not to get that sinking feeling (4, 3).

11 Take a vessel, also change (7).

14 This necklace was charming for sufferers (7).

17 Slacks would hardly be appropriate wear on this walk (5-4).

18 Compact, with a suggestion of flag- waving? (8) 19 The state of the chimney when Grimes's boy was at work (5, 2).

21 Antony gets what he sought to borrow, please note (7).

22 Mind, it must be dispatched again (6), 24 'Rose-checked —, come' (Campion) (5).

26 Sweetest nymph for Milton (4).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition el Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on October 9 and addressed: Crossword No. 907, 99 Gower St., London, WC1

Chambers's' Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on October 12 Solution to No. 903 on !mgt. 432 The winners of Crossword No. 905 are Ma..1. E. EVANS, Exchequer and Audit Dept., G.H.Q., FARELF, C/o G.P.O., Singapore, and Ma. It. W. PACE, 224 Bournemouth Road, Eastleigh, Hants.