29 APRIL 1837, Page 13



Athens, its Rise and Fall ; with Views of the Literature. Philosophy, and Social Life of the Athenian People. By Edward Lytton Bulwer, Esq.,B P., A M., Author of " England and the English," &c. 8,:c. Vol.. I. and II. Saunders and Otlest.


Evenings with Prince Cambacerk, Second Consul, Areh.Chancellor of the Empire,

Duke of Parma, &c. Ste. Ity Baron Langou. In 2 win. Callum


Memoir of the Life of Si, Walter Scott. Bart. (Vol. II.) Murray; and Whittaker and Co. ; Cadet!, Edinbaryh.

COLONIAL Ltrt, The Felonry of New South Wales; heing a faitlifol Picture of the real Romance of Life in Butant Bay. a ith Anecdotes ul Botany Bat Societt . and a Platt ot Sidney. Ity Jamra B odie. Esq., of Castle Fot hes, and late a Magi-tette for the Territory

of New South Wales H1/4a4y at,e1 Co.


Rorv l.PMore ; a Romance. By Samuel Lover, Esq.. Author or " Legends and Siories of I reland "

The Picaroon. By the Author of .• Mahatma." In 3 vols. Arttfey. Saunders and Utley