29 APRIL 1837, Page 9



The prospects of the American mercantile interests have undergone a mate. ial 81111 beneficial change, and the pressure under which they have so long suf- fered has been in a considerable degree mitigated by the recent arrivals from New York. With a view to obviate the difficulties which the scarcity of bullion has thrown in the way of remittances to this country by the American merchants, the Batik of the United States, and some of the other large banking establishments of the Union, have determined to issue a species of security, in the nature of a debenture of twelve months' date, which will be repaid at the end of the tern, without interest; and these securities being paid to the mer- chants of New York in discount of bills of exchange, are by them remitted to their correspondents here; and their negotiation by those correpondents upon our Exchange, (where they have already become current,) has answered all the purposes of effective remittances in bullion to the American trade. :sums considet able amounts have already made their appearance in our market ; where they have been readily purchased by our capitalists at prices varying from 913 to 95 per cent. ; and as these are to be paid off at par in twelve months, the rate 01 interest afforded by such employtnent of capital is from 5 to 7 per cent. T he effect of this nicastete ts ill be to losing into action, for the purposes of the Ameriern trade, a considerable amount of capital, which under other eirenin- stoner- e orild have remained locked up in Exchequer hills or other listglish sectitiliot ; for, so great has been the discredit thrown upon every thing in the S11.1111. Iof a bill which bore the stamp of American origin, that it WAN utterly intp.,s.i.ble to liaise ntoney upon any but hills of the very brst charseter ; but thsss securities, which are in reality but bills of exchange of unusually long date, are readily and indeed eagerly purchased. In consequence of this new channel of itsvestnient being opened, both Cuissols and Exidiequo hills balm

declined, the premium on the latter having fallen to-day 10s. per cent. There Ise also existed s disposition to sell English Stocks generally ; and Bank Stock, which is not a current article,. has been brought to market to a considerable amount. In the Foreign Market, both Spanish and Portuguese Stock have declined. The expectations which were formed of the payment of the Spanish Treasury Bonds due on the let of May next, do not appear likely to be realized ; although, from the partial withdrawing of these securities from the market by the operation to which we last week alluded, their price has been sustained. The Active Stock has declined, in consequence of the anticipated failure by the Government to fulfil its engagements, and also on account of the decline in price which it has undergone in the Continental markets. Some large speculative sales have occurred in Dutch Stock; but the scarcity of the Bonds, and the firm manner in which they are held, have counteracted She effect which these operations would otherwise have produced. The Railway Shares are all in demand ; and the markets for them, although not much higher, are very firm at existing quotations. This change is at- tributable to the measures adopted by the American Banks, which, by forming a fund for payment of the large amount due from the United States to the cot- ton manufacturers of Lancashire, by whom the principal Railway Shares are held, will avert from them the necessity of making large sacrifices of this species of property. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

Consols have been as low as 90i for Money, but have since improved, and are DOW, buyers, at 906. We have had, however, very little business doing. Ex- chequer Bills have not experienced any further decline ; the present premium being 31 to 33. The only circumstance requiring remark in the Foreign Market, is a decline of * per cent. in Spanish Stock, produced by a fall of 6 per tent. in Paris. Advices have this morning been received from New York to the 8th ; together with Bonds of the United States Bank and Morris Canal and Banking Company to the extent of one million, intended for negoti-

ation here. This large arrival has caused a decline in the price of these commodities; those of the United States Bank not bearing interest, which were yesterday at 94 to 95, are quoted nominally to-day at 936 to 9.16 ; the Morris Canal, bearing an interest of 6 per cent., which were yesterday 95 to 99, are now 96 to 97.

The Railway Shares continue to improve; London and Birmingham are 281. to 301. prom.; Great Westeru 2 to 3 prem. ; Southampton 23 to 22 dis. ; and Greenwich 16 to I die.

3 per Cent. Consols

904 1 Danish 3 per Cents.

Ditto Ditto for Account

904 i

Dutch 21 per Cents 1071

3 per Cent. Reduced

89/ 1 Mexican 6 per Cent 234 New 31 per Cent Anna testily 981 1 Portuguese Regency 5p. Cts. 464 Bank Stock 2041 Ditto 3 per Cent. 294 India stock

Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip • 494 Exchequer Bills

31 33 pm.

Prussian (1818)5 per Cent .. — Belgian 5 per Cents 102

Russian (12422)5 per Cent.. • 1074 8 Brazilian Spec Cents

84/ Spanish (1835)5 per Cent...

21t 1