29 APRIL 1843, Page 19


Tuesday, April 25.


I. and C. Steelton, Nottingham, builders-West and Simpson. Newark•upon•Trent. timber•merchants-J. and W. Rowatree, Scarborough. grocers-Horner mid Co. Leeds, engineers-W. and W. Skinner, Duke Street. Houneditch, wholesale slopsellenh-- Finden and Carter. Regent Street, architects-Wonkier and Bainbridge. nherborne Street, publicans-W. G. and G. Sltaw, Windmill Street, Finsbury. hosiers-Digumit and Co. Wiucham, Cheshire, rock salt proprietors; as far as regards J. Thompson- L and W. Hogg, Colchester, tailors-Bressy and Taitt, Jewry Street, woullen-dnipere- Shield and Temple. North Shield. booksellers-Rickwood and Rostock, Motnlmln, surgeons-Falser and Strong, Queuniugton Mills, Gloucestershire, paper-makers-Cuff and Co. Chard, spirit merchauts-Jewell and Nankivell, St. Columb Major, Cornwall. surgeons-W. and J. Sharp, Lancaster. solicitors-Dickson and Co. Manchester, fustian-manufacturers - Manning and Gillingham. Ob.rne, Dorsmshire. ferntern - Gelder and Wood, Barnsley. Yorkshire, linen-manufacturers-Seed and Threltall. A4- dingham, cotton spinners-F. and J. W. Davis, Liverpool. bone-dust mauufactumws- Stead and Whitley, Wakefield, gardeners-Evans and Dods, Neal, Glannergaushire. matters-Lawtou and Co. timber-dealers.


Oren. Tideswell, Derbyshire, shopkeeper-Watker, Ardwick, stouemasnu-Nort- entre. Brighouse, dyer-Fawcett, Sheffield, victualler-Hampshire, Dewsbury, inn- keeper-Cuteliffe„ Stuleybridge, hatter - Wilshere. Ashton Common, Wiltshire, cattle- dealer-Law, Batley, Yorkshire, weaver-Wass, Leeds. out of busiuese -Cocker, Yak, dyer-Thompson. Dee sbury, clothier-lamb, bishopwearmouth, Lockwood. Leeds, out of business-Spark, King Street, Holborn, bootmaker, -Waller, Leicester, coach builder-Wootton. Leicester, builder-Barclay, Clapham, mercantile clerk-Lowe, Hatton, engraver- Cooling, Helmet Court, Strand, town traveller- Welch, Ashborne, Derbyshire. attorney-Bradley, Upperthoug. Yorkshire, wool- sorter-Cockayne, Spiuningtield, Lancashire, butcher-Haines. Great Dover Streets tailor-Moore, Hamilton Row. King's Gross, grocer-Aleock, Cobridge. Staffordshire. builder-Jeeves, Stratford. horse-dealer-Smith, Tyburn, out of business.


BECK, EDWARD, Tiverton, cabinetmaker, to surrender May 8, June 1: solicitors. Messrs. Sole, Aldermaubury; and Mr. Wreford, Exeter; official assignee, Mr. Her- niman. Exeter. CAIIPLIN, WILLIAM, Long Mulford. Suffolk. innkeeper, May 9, June 9: solicitors, Messrs. ltaimondi and Gooday, Gray's luu : and Mr. Iluut, Ipswich; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Medlin Laue. CONN, HENRY, Truro, arsenic-manufacturer, May 8, June 1 : solicitor, Mr. Brown, Threadneedle Street ; official assignee, Mr. Hirtzel, -Exeter. BEAREN, Joan. Dawley, Shropshire, grocer, May 3, June 3 : solicitors. Mr. Robinson. and Mr. Garbett, Wellington; Mr. Slaney, Birmingham; official assignee. Mr. Bit- tleson, Birmingham. HILL, Wtxuair. Newcastle-upon•Tyne, wine-merchant, May 12. June 12: solicitors. Messrs. Chatter. Newcastle ; and Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard; official assignee. Mr. Baker, Newcastle. BTOCKEN. ALFRED. Halkin Street, Belgrave Square, coachreaker. May 9, June 7: solicitors. Messrs. Vau Saudauaud Cumming, King Street, Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings.

Varry, Josses, St. Paul's Churchyard, merchant, Maya, June 5: &diallers, Van Saurian and Cummiug, King Street Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basing- hall Street. DIVIDENDS.

May 1S. Bugs and Co. Great Winchester Street, merchants-May 16, Eiffe, Lombard Street, chronometer.maker- May 27, Coluaghi, Cockspur Street. printseller-May 17. Reach. Bardwell. Suffolk, miller-May 17, Jolley. St. Alban's Place. Haymarket- May 17. Palmer, Cecil Street. Strand, winemerchant-May 17. Barrat.Great Pulteney Street-Muy 17. James Gale senior, and James Gale junior, Love Lane. Shadwell. rope-mekers-May 26, Collett and Smith. Ossett, Yorkshire-May 23, T. Manley junior, Atherton, Lancashire, patent naibmanufacturer- May 19. Whiteside. White- haven. Cumberland. merchant-Mary 17. &Utley. Sunderlaud near the Sea. Durham, haberdasher-May 19. Gibbs Alms ick, Northumberland, currier-May 17, Trenholm, Darlington. Durham. brewer-May £0, Maim-siring, Gomel. Staffordshire. grocer.

CERTIFICATE; To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or bettre May 16. East and Ilulgin. Regent Street. booksellers-Newton, Macclesfield. Cheshire, silk- throwster-Babdone. Tooley Street, Southwark, builder- Taylor. Leek. Staffordshire. linendraper-Evaus, Whitechapel Road, potato-dealer-Welch. Warwick, victualler- Gibson, Northampton, linen draper-Ilextall. Regent Street. laceman-Warrillow, Birmingham. stationer- J. Drew junior, Weymouth, Dorsetshire, grocer - Ray, Leeds. porter-merchaut. To be granted. witless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

May 16, Mayhew, Crotched Friars, wine-merchant- May 16, Lum, Fore Street. chemist-May 19, Burrell. St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, oollendmper-May 19, Austen. Weimer, Keut. grocer-May 19, Pile and Staunton, Bishopsgate Street Without, wine- merchants-May 16. Archer. Upper Thames Street, iron-merchant-May 16, Christie, New North Street, Red Lion Square, book-binder-May 19, Starling. Blakeley, Nor- folk, coatmerchaut- May 19, Sevin. Beruers Street. Middlesex Hospital, artificial flower-mauufacturer-May 25. Wright, Horsforth, Woodside, Yorkshire, corn-miller- May 19, White and Leith, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, n achine-makers-June 21. Thompson. Lytchett Minster. Dorsetshire, merchant-May 17, M-Gregor. Chester, grocer- June 1, Robertson. Liverpool. merchant- May 29, Seddon, St. Helen's, Lan- cashire, miller-May 29, Rawlinson, Lancaster,alum-manufacturer- May 23, Walden, Liverpool, liuendraper - May 18, Jones. Manchester, spirit-merchant-May 17, Clap- ham, Leeds, licensed-victualler-May IS, Langstaff, Rotighton, Lincolnshire, auc- tioneer-May 23. R. N. Menton junior, Fletland Mills, Lincolnshire, miller-May 18, Stone, Lane End, Staffordshire, draper.

SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIoNS. CARMICHAEL, JABIES. junior, Dundee. commission-agent, May 5, 26. EWART, James and Co. Glasgow, West India merchants May 1, 29. Warr, Janes. Hazledeau, Lanarkshire, farmer. April 28, May 19.

Friday, April 28.


Newell and Co. Flookersbrook- Coles and Gent. Chalk Road, Holloway, beershop. keepers-T. and .1. Howling, Poplar, china warehuusemeu - Byrom and Dutton. Leamington Priors, attornies-W. and IL Speller, York Street. Bliu:kfriars Road, iron- plate-workers-J. and A. Holmes. Newarket. agricultural-machine-manufacturers- Wigglesworth and Middleton. Nottingham, ironmongers-Floyd and Williams, Bristol, straw-bonnet-makers-J. and G. Lovell, Gravesend. licensed vietuallers-Dethier and Vantini. Easton Place, hotel-keepers-E. and L. Cherry. JDoswell Road. liuendrapers -Stones and Co. Tipton, oil-dealers, as far as regards J. Stone-Jones and Adams, Sudbury, Suffolk, mai:true-Burnham and Bolton, Kingston upon-Hull, builders- Greenwood and Wilson, Halifax, tanners-Rawson and Cb. Sheffield, brewers ; as far as regards H. T. and W. Eyre-J. and T. Galloway. Manchester, paper-stainers-H. W. and E. G. Willoughby. Birkenhead, hotel-keepers-Sandman and Co. York Street, Borough, ironmongers-Chapman aud Taylor, Sevenoaks. plumbers-Hamilton and Co. Liverpool, merchants-Baker and Fisher, Oundle, coal-merchants.


MARRIOTT, CHARLES Joan, Leamington Priors, grocer.


Webster. Tattenall, Cheshire -Platts, Chesterfield. victualler-Sturman. Oxford. Berlin-wool-warehousemau-Iago, Danvers Street. Chelsea. out of business-Jobert. Leeds, teacher of languages- Oseuham, Warwick. journeyman cabinet maker-Watt, Mary Street, Staug-ate-Parrott, Woodstock Street., lately a gentleman's servant- Thornton. Brockmore, Staffordshire, blacksmith-Robarts, Leonard Street. Shoreditch. coach-smith-Lacey, Gloucester Street, Cambridge heath, victualler - Cooper, Shef- field, hairdresser-Ward, Rotherham, constable-Thomas Herniae Ayckboan. other- wise Thomas Ayckbown, Upper North Place, Gray's Inn Road. barrister-Bailey, As- ton, Warwickshire. gun-finisher-Edwards, Much Wra hon. Lancashire. grocer- Sa- muel Cory, otherwise Samuel Cory, Middleton. Northampton, tailor-Vivian. Oxendon Street. out of business-Blyth, Camberwell New Road, apothecary- Cotgreave, Whit-

church, Shropshire. sadler. BANKRUPTS.

Beowzrr, NATHANIEL, Little Bentley. Essex. maltster. to surrender May 16. June 10: solicitor, Mr. Mauve, Bridge Street, Blackfriars; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

Cawrza, WILLIAM. Burford. Shropshire. cattle salesman, May 8, June 8: solicitors, Messrs. Frier and Edwards, Tenbury, Worcestershire ; and Mr. Cullia, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Birmingham. Coudiros, EDMUND, Southampton, perfumer, May 10. June 9: solicitor, Mr. Neal, Tokenhouse Yard ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.

Csusana.. BENJAMIN, Croydon. glass-dealer, May 8, June 9: solicitors, Messrs. Rau" and Co. Southwark ; official assignee. Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.

• Fcrionta. JOHN. Evesham, Worcestershire. plumber, May 10, June 2: solicitors, Messrs. Colmore and Beale. Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham, Garron, WILLIAM, Farringdon Street, pawnbroker, May 5, Juue 9: solicitors. Mess. Harrison arid Dobree, Hart Street, Bloomsbury; official assignee. Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street.

HAM/10110, Giouroz. senior. Havaut, Hampshire, brewer, May 8, June 9 : solicitors, Staniland and Long. Bouverie Street; official sssiguee. Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.

HUSSEY, WILLIAM. Nether Knutaford. Cheshire, baker, May 16. June 2: solicitors. Mr. Cole, Adelphi Terrace; and Messrs. Roscoe, Kuutsforii; official assignee, Mr. Stanway, Manchester. JAcKsom, MICHAEL. St. Andrew Auckland. Durham, miller. May 22. June 16: solicitors. Mr. Griffith, Raymond Buildings • and Mr. Trotter Bishop, Auckland; offb Mal assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Moses, WILLIAM, Ripon, innkeeper, May 9, 23: solicitor, Mr. Blackburn , Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Frame. Leeds. Paasaox. HENRY. York. attorney-ablaw, May 10: solicitors, Mr. Brooke. Feather- stone Buildings; Mr. Hodgson. York ; and Mr. Bond, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young. Leeds. Pal". Je sE, Reek. Staffordshire, maltster. May 10. June 16: solicitor. Mr. Jones, Neweartle.under Lyme ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. Revrtotas, JOHN, London Road, draper. May 5, Juue 9: solicitors. Messrs. Sole and Sole, Aldermaubury: official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, BaSingliall Street. SHOWELL, JoHN Warreouse, Birmingham. bookseller. May 6. June 10: solicitor. Mr. James, Birmingham : official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham. TOWNSEND, WILLIAM DUTTON, Little Russell Street, Covent Garden, pawnbroker. May 9. June 8: solicitor, Mr. Asprey, Furnival's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Baeinghall Street.

TWEE. NICHOLAS. Liverpool. poulterer. May 13. June 12 : solicitors, Messrs. Cuvelie and Co. Southampton Buildings; end Mr. 'Thompson, Liverpool ; official assignee,

Mr. Turner, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS.

May 23, Yeatman and Lum, Fore Street, chemists-May 19, Yeatman. Bear Lane. Blackfriars Road, victualler-May 26. Williamson, Nicholas Lane. merchant-May 23. Brokovski, High Street. Wapping ship-chaueler-May 23, Quaife and Co. Fulham, brewers- May W. Smith, Hertford, victualler-May 27. Hamilton. Broadway. West- minster, ironmonger-May 20, Rogers. Thetford. scrivener- May 25. Thomas, Man- chester, merchant- May 26, Holt, Manchester. broker-May 24, Graham and Streader, contractors for public works-May 19, Jones. Liverpool, coldeainer - May 24, Muuton junior, Greatlord, Lincolnshire, miller.

CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the d-ty of meeting.

19. Cheiwynd, Elizabeth Place. Westminster Road. picture-dealer-May 23, "abIeS. Stourport, worsted spinner- May 22, Thompson. Rawiton. Yorkshhe, cloth- manufacturer-bray 25, Middleham. Dewsbury, wine-merchant-May 23, Cox, Glou- cester, plumber-May El. Jones. Cardiff. ship builder-May 24. Parkins. Leeds. liforstedspinner-May 23 Robson juni, r. Ctsbaldwick, Yorkshire, cattle dealer-May 23. Butler. Carrington, Nottinghamshire. iron-merchant-May 22. Cartwright. Louth. woollendraper- May 26, Lidale, Leeds, 11111. spinner- May 23, Budd, Birmingham. cigar-manufacturer-May 27. Downing Branford, Worcestershire, miller-May 23, East. Spalding. Lincolnshire, builder.

To be greeted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before May 19. Adams, George Street, Spitalfields. furniture.dealer-Towne, George Street. Spital- elds, chocolate manufacturer- Chalk, Hammersmith, builder- Cooley and Thomson. Willesborough. Kent. tea-dealers - Nichol! junior, Redrut, grocer-Thornton junior, Beccles. Suffolk, brewer- Gilman. Stewkley, Buckinghamshire. grocer -Bidmead, Bread Street. warehouseman-Collett, Loudon. warehouseman-Hayward and Moore, Paternoster Row. booksellers-Pickering, Bedford, upholsterer-Webb, Litchfield. maltster-M. A. and E. Cross, Kingston upon-Hull, spirit-merchants-Gordon, Liver. pool, merchant-Bath, Bilston, braody-merchaut -Robson, Liverpool, soap-manufac- turer-Button, Albion Place. Battle Bridge. pawnbroker-Birks, Manchester, linen. draper-Gale and Son, Love Lane. Shadwell. rope-makers - Midlaue junior, Isle of Wight, ironmonger- Cock, &nay. grocer-Johnson. Coventry. ribaud.manufacturer -Walthew, Poultry. chemist-Jones, Shrewsbury, grocer.


ALEXANDER. A., Dunfermline, ironmonger. May 5, 26. MARCOS. H., Bouhill, Dumbartonshire. quarrier, May 1, June 1. STRACHAN, J., Edinburgh, lately an ageat. May 2, 23.

Soo-eras. J., Peterhead. timber-merchant, May 4, 29.

WALKER, R. B.. Glasgow, hosier. May 3. 24. WIER, J., Cambusuethan, Lanarkshire, cider manufacturer. May 3. 31.