29 APRIL 1848, Page 8



This morning we have more complete accounts of a great blow to the Danes, which was reported in London yesterday. In brief, their line has been forced in three places—on its centre and two extremes; they have been driven out of Schleswig; and the Germans have even got possession of Flensburg in their rear. A general attack was made at three in the afternoon of last Sunday, in three divisions. The centre of the Germans, under General Wrangel, stormed the dam of Dannewirke with irresistible ardour, and carried all before them at the point of the bayonet, without assistance of artillery; though not without obstinate resistance, and severe loss. The Danes, 12,000 strong, were surprised: two false alarms had been raised on previous days, and the attack was serious before they resisted with full energy. The mines which they had prepared were rendered use- less by a singular accident: a great North-east wind drove up the Baltic waters so high into the Schlei, that the mines were flooded and explosion was rendered impossible.

The Danes were finally driven out of Schleswig, about midnight; and on Monday morning the German flag was seen waving from the tower of Gottorp Castle.

The Hanoverians under General Halkett, on the extreme left, and the Holstein troops under Prince Frederick, on the right, were no less suc- cessful than the centre of the Germans: the right crossed the Seidel on rafts willingly furnished by native boatmen.

The final position of the Danes is not clear. It is said they have forti- fied themselves between Schleswig and Flensburg. If so, they are sur- rounded.

The King of Denmark has recovered his health, and was about to re- move from Frederica to Odemer.

The Paris papers of yesterday report that Beranger, Thiers, Odillon Barrot, and Duvergier de Hauranne, have certainly been returned to the National Assembly.

Renewed disturbances of a Republican character are reported at Endes- heim, in Besse Cassel, and in Southern Baden. Hecker has rallied, has been joined by Herwegh, and is intrenched with 3,000 men between Fri- bourg and Basle.

A letter from Vienna states thati deputation from the States, the mu- nicipality, the University, and the other corporate bodies of Vienna, having full powers from the Government, was to set off on Monday last for the head-quarters of the Austrian army, to open negotiations with the Provi- sional Governments of Venice and Milan.

Three distinguished Sicilians have arrived in Genoa, "on a mission of Use highest importance."