29 APRIL 1848, Page 9


AnaVED—At Gravesend, 20th April, Caroline, Williams. from China ;S. Boddinzton, goes, from Calcutta ; and Roekliffe, Clendon ; and Vibilia, NWan, from Mauritius; 21st, Lord W. Bentinck. Allen, from Calcutta ; 24th, Competitor, Hyde, from South Australia; 25th, General Hewett, Gatenby, from the Cape ; and Robert Ingham. Clough, from Mauritius • 26th, Elizabeth, Jager, from Manilla; and Bassorah Mer- chant, Beal, from Calcutta; and 27th, Agostina, Volum, from Launceston. At Liver- pool, 19th. Ann Jane, Rigby, from Singapore : and 25th, Athena, Ogg, from Ditto. In the Clyde, 20th, John Gray, 3PDonald, from New South Wales ; Biythwood, Jamieson, from Batavia ; and Idan3, Adair. from Ceylon. At Cork, 17th, Young England, Dove, from Manila; and Campbell, Campbell, from Mauritius. At Bombay, 2.1 March, Polly, Rennie, from the Clyde; and 13th, Anne Laing, Wilson, from Newport. At Co- lombo, let March, Sir Thomas Gresham, Walmsley, from London ; and 7611, John Mitchell, Douglas. from the Clyde. At Madras, previous to 14th March, Thetis, Main- land ; London, Shutticworth ; and Arab, Foster, from London; Calder, Fitzsimons; and Heroine, CrIckmay, from Liverpool ; and Kite. Smith, from Shields. At Calcutta, previous to 0th March, Mary Spencer, Fisher; Mermaid, Den,],; London, Wightman, and Walter Morice, Morice, from Liverpool; Labuan, Thomas, from Sunderland ; and Inehinnan, Bantle, from Ilartlepool. At Singapore, 13th Feb. Potentate, Stewart, from the Clyde ; 17th, Halifax, Wright, from London: and 21st, Earl Grey, Chester, from Liverpool. At China, previous to 28th Feb. Wm. Jardine, Doutty ; and Carib. Heaton, from London; and Aden, Michael ; Euphrates, Wilson; and Jane Prowse, —, from Liverpool.

SAILED—From Gravesend, 25th April, Caernarvon, Bill', for Launceston; and 26113, Jane Pine, Booth, for Calcutta.