29 APRIL 1854, Page 19


Mr. Cox deserves to appropriate the Homeric epithet of Zeus—" cloud- the laeep4f,tteBattaiisTiesa'eernplernotiliei.0028tt—hAPeorts'sist.-S.uziaJ. F. Steuart, from PP His clouds are very queer affairs in themselves, it is true— Staff, to be Assist: 3311 Foot —AssLts.:Suorg.rg' P. Clark, from the raStaff, Surg. 49th .-S g. J. H. Jephson, M.D. from he Staff, to be Assist..

f without purchase to an lJnatt. Majority; Lieut. G. Watson to be Capt. by J B Williams to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Austen, who retires; G. R. Saunders, e 1 Gold Coast Corps—Ensign J. Kysh, from the 1st West India Regt. to be Lient.

t Battalion at Wapner—Staff-Surg. of the Second Class A. Hibb. M.D. to be Wali3OFTICE, April 25.—let Regt. of Foot—Assist.-Surg. W. Diembrock, from the Staff, to he Assist.-Surg. 4th Foot—Assist.-Surg. J. Eldn, 51.B. from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. 5th Foot—Second Lieut. E. R. Simmons to be First Lieut. without purchase, vice C. Carter, dec. ; Gent. Cadet J. Cre h, from the Royal Mil. CoL to H H. Gokodrick°e,reG.en:.' tEorl!algrEIn`slrg. to behLireu. vice

Depot Battalion at Winchester—Sorg. J. Grant, from the 79th Foot, to be Sorg.; Staff Assist-Surg. A. Guthrie, M.D. to be Assist-Surg. Depot Battalion at Fermoy—Quartermaster G. Thompson, from the Templemore Battalion, to be Quartermaster ; Staff-Surg. of the Second Class S. Smith to be Sorg. ; Staff Assist.-Surg. M. C. Tonnere to be Assist.-Surg. Depot Battalion at Templemore—Quartermaster B. Scoltock, from the 46th Foot, to be Quartermaster ; Surg. W. I. Breslin, M.D. from the 46th Foot, to be Surg.; Staff Assist.-Surg. W. H. Flower to be Assist.-Surg.

Hospital Staff—To be Assist: Surgeons to the Forces—Assist-Surg. S. Gibson, M.O. from the 63d Foot ; T. J. Murphy. Gent.; P. N. Jackson, Gent.; M. C. An- cell, Gent.; C. F. Loughman, M.D. ; W. Haughton, M.B.; F. S. Bennet; F. De Chaumont, M.D. ; J. -M. M'Neece, Gent. ; M. C. Tonnere, Gent.; J. L. Brown, M.D.; W. H. Flower, Gent.; A. Guthrie, M.D. ; E. Y. Kellett, Gent. ; C. Ricketts, Gent. ; R. A. Chaple. Gent. ; L. G. Hooper, Gent. ; F. G. Hamilton, Gent.

Staff—W. G. Romaine, Esq. Barrister-at-law, to be Deputy-Judge-Advocate for local service with the troops employed on a particular service to the Eastward of Malta ; Veterinary Surg. T. Jex, of the 2d Drags. to be Veterinary Surg. to the Army proceeding to Turkey ; Veterinary Surg. J. Legrew, of the 13th Light Drags. to be Veterinary Surg. to the Army proceeding to Turkey. Brevet—Capt. E. Jones, of the 66th Foot, to be Major in the Army ; Brevet Major E. Jones, of the 66th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. in theArmy.

Memorandum—The appointment of Surg. of the First Class W. H. Burrell, M.D. to be Deputy-Inspector-General of Hospitals, as stated in the Gazette of 28th March 1854, has been cancelled. The dates of the Commissions of the undermentioned Purveyors have been altered to 27th April 1853, in order that they may be placed according to their proper station in the Army List, viz. : William Henry Clapp, George Pratt, Mathew Wreford, Henry Hamilton Acheron, and Lucas Ward.