29 APRIL 1893, Page 11

The A B C of the Foreign Exchanges. By George

Clare. (Mac- millan and Co.)—This volume contains the substance of a course of lectures delivered before the Institute of Bankers in the early Part of the preceding year. For the general reader desirous of mastering the abstract theory of the Exchanges, Mr. Gosohen's well-known book must remain the standard treatise. The present work assumes some previous technical knowledge, and is intended rather as a practical guide for business-men. There is some con- fusion in parts because it is not always clear whether we are approaching the subject from the London or foreign point of view. But the connection between discount-rates and the exchanges is very clearly explained, and tho author makes what seems to us a very good suggestion for remodelling the antiquated and well- nigh unintelligible "Course of Exchange" which is issued by London brokers and appears in the papers every Wednesday and Friday.