29 APRIL 1899, Page 33


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your article on "Colours of Domestic Animals," I think you have overlooked one of the wild cattle which is neither self-coloured nor black, namely, the Burmese hsaing ( B. Soudaicus). The cows of this species are bright chestnut while the bulls, except when very old, are a pale greyish yellow • old bulls, )however, become chocolate-coloured over the head and body, commencing with the former ; but in both sexes a stripe on the inside of each limb and the inside of the ears are white, as well as a large oval-shaped patch on the buttocks. I have often noticed how like in colour some of the domestic bulls round a Burmese village are to the wild hsaing.—I am, Sir, &c., C. W. A. Batroz, Pyinmana, Nora Burmah, March. 16th. Forest Officer.