29 APRIL 1905, Page 30


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPBCTATOR...1 Snt,—As I write there is, in one of the trees in the garden behind this house, a thrush's nest, which has been the object of the unsuccessful attentions of the house cat for some days, to the intense flurry of the male and female birds. But now, as soon as the oat appears on the lawn, the hen thrush flies down, and stands on the grass about a yard in front of him, twittering unceasingly, while the cat gibbers in orthodox style, and tries to fascinate or stalk her. But all in vain ; the female bird swears unceasingly, and, if the cat moves, down swoops the male thrush on him a tergo, and bits him on the back with his tail or pecks him. Cook says : "The thrush is the better man, and the cat now don't dare walk in the garden." We try to keep him out, and so far the birds are winning.—I am, Sir, &c., OBSERVER.