29 APRIL 1911, Page 12


The Art of Tatting. By Katharine L. Hoare. (Longmans and Co. 21s. net.)—This is a beautiful book, chiefly composed of collotype plates. There is a short introduction by the Queen of Roumania, in pretty but almost broken English, in which she commends the art of tatting to "women who can afford to stay at home and have ten or twelve children," but also "to the solitary woman this beak doea go with the wish to become a companion." "Tatting is quick work for clover fingers but it takes a great deal of quick working to arrive at making a large piece of lace stuff." Lady Hoare gives "a few practical

suggestions upon the practice and method" of working the shuttles ; but we wish that she had devoted more space to this, for the benefit of women who wish to learn the art.