29 APRIL 1949, Page 18


StR,—Mr. Trevelyan's suggestion that the Liberal Party should make an election agreement with Tories or Socialists means, as he must surely appreciate, the Liberal Party's extinction. If Liberal principles are to be applied to all phases. of the national life (neither State control and trade union influence nor reaction and big business influence), then the Liberal Party must have absolute support with a view to a Parliamentary majority. Should Tories or Socialists be returned with a small majority the Liberals would hold the balance and support or oppose legislation purely on its merits. Therein lies the power of the Liberals and their vital position of maintaining the balance of power between the two ex- tremes. Those with Liberal convictions must support the party unwaver- ingly and not be misled by arguments of the type advanced by Mr.

Trevelyan.—Yours faithfully, KENNETH R. DAY. 31 Lawrence Avenue, New Malden, Surrey.