29 APRIL 1978, Page 18

Princess Margaret

Sir: You can write as many sycophantic, mealy-mouthed leader columns as you like, but your correspondent, Mr Alan Walsh, IS right. The majority of people in this countrY have very little feeling of affection or respect for Princess Margaret, and the Daily Mirror had every right to point out the very large stipend and the many privileges this middle-aged, spoiled woman enjoys. For which we receive very little in return.

Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper is right too. When one did manage to get Alastair Forbes's review of Group Captain Peter Townsend's book sorted out, its castigation of Princess Margaret was devastating. And absolutely true.

This unimportant, useless woman should, for her own good and the Queen's good, slide out of public life. Whether she sticks to Roddy or rejects him (as she did Peter Townsend) is up to her. To me it is a matter of indifference. The money and the perks are quite another matter.

J. A. Atkinson

Falmouth, Cornwall