29 APRIL 1995, Page 30

Stamp liberation

Sir: Charles Moore's encomium (Another voice, 22 April) of post-1979 public services overlooks one minor yet significant improvement: the proliferation of outlets for postage stamps. Supermarkets, petrol stations and convenience stores now offer handy booklets.

The liberation of stamp sales has neatly obviated fatuous queuing at user-hostile (or, at best, user-indifferent) post office counters. Thankfully, too, the Tory years have seen off the wretched machines which dealt in absurd denominations such as 1p or 7p; and which, as a piece-de-resistance (literally) clamped unremitting jaws on the last stamp out. Truly, a rip-off.

Michael Morrison

16a Oakleigh Close, Whetstone, London N20