29 AUGUST 1835, Page 17

As a proof of the very little dependence that is

to be placed on sta- tistical returns, even when obtained under the authority of Parliament, it was stated at the late scientific meeting at Dublin, in reference to the educational returns, that from Manchester alone there was an omis- sion of 181 schools and 8,646 scholars.

Letters from Lombardy say that the approach of the cholera is already indicated at Milan, as it was at Genoa, by numerous cases of apoplexy; which, from observations made in other countries, are considered as precursors of the disorder. Extreme alarm prevails throughout Italy at tie prospect of cholera.

A new line of omnibuses has just been established in Paris, under the name of Algerienncs. For five sous they traverse a distance of upwards of three leagues from Neuilly, through Paris, to the very middle of Bercy. But in granting this privilege, the Police have im- posed a singular condition on the speculators is these new carriages— that of not stopping by the way to take up passengers. Those who wish to travel by them are obliged to mount while the carriage is in motion, at the risk of breaking some of their limbs. A bank forming at Athens by English speculators is likely soon to commence operations, as they have arranged the terms with the Government. The rate of interest charged by the Bank on landed security will be 8 per cent. ; say 6 per cent. for the Bank, and2per cent. for the Greek Government. The capital is to be two millions sterling, and they will issue paper to about half this amount.—Port.